Seven Ways to Wipe Eye Wrinkles

Because the skin around the eye is very thin and is always the first to begin to show wrinkles, eye wrinkles can appear at almost any age. They will also appear more quickly if a person has a substantial amount of sun damage (sun worshippers beware!). Prevention Of Dreaded Eye Wrinkles Old Sol Gifts You With Eye Wrinkles: the best thing to do to try to prevent eye wrinkles is to put sunscreen on before you go outside. Not only will it protect you from getting skin cancer, but it can also help prevent eye wrinkles from forming. Water, Water & More Water: one way you can reduce, or even eliminate, eye wrinkles naturally is by increasing your intake of water (no, coffee, tea and soft drinks don't count - sorry). When you drink water you are hydrating your skin, keeping it lush and supple. When you don't drink enough water then your skin will become dry, and more prone to wrinkles - think of the cracks in the desert when it hasn't rained in months. Fruit Is Loaded With Wa...