15 Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcer

Imagine if everything you put into your mouth caused unbearable irritation. In the worst cases, some mouth sores can prevent a person from completely eating and drinking. Luckily, home remedies for mouth ulcers can provide instant relief. 15 Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcer What is a Mouth Ulcer A mouth ulcer is a sore or open lesion inside the mouth – the small white spot that forms on the inside of the cheek, the tongue or clustered on the inner side of the lip. Mouth ulcers are also referred to as a canker sore. Some people are more susceptible to mouth ulcers than others, including patients battling an underlying disease or a young adult with particular lifestyle habits Causes and Symptoms Causes of mouth ulcers include viral infections, minor injuries to the mouth, food allergies, hormonal imbalances, stress, and consumption of spicy or acidic foods. Biting your cheeks and lips can also produce a mouth ulcer. Nutritional deficiencies ar...