
Showing posts from October, 2014

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Lengthening of the skin more than its capacity causes the elastic tissues stop working thereby causing stretch marks. Human body is elastic in nature. Because of fat deposition in the body there are changes in the sizes of human bodies. There can be many side effects of this elasticity. Stretch Marks are one of the side effects of the same. These marks are mainly caused due to excessive changes in the elastic tissues of the human body. How does it happen? Pregnancy is one of the factors where you can come across these marks. They are mainly caused on the abdominal area after the birth of the baby. After delivery of a baby, the abdomen tissues come back to its original size causing Stretch Marks. Excessive weight gain is also one of the factors that cause these marks. When a person is fat then the tissues and the muscles gets stretched and become big in circumference. After the weight reduction, the stretched muscles and the tissues are back to its normal size causing marks a

Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit – the new super fruit, is also known as Pitaya. It is said to possess remarkable health-giving properties. It is native to South America and grows from a cactus plant. Because of the growing nature of its popularity it is being widely harvested in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Philippines and even Bangladesh. The dragon fruit has a delicate smell. The taste and texture is often said to be a blend of kiwi fruit and pear. Sometimes it is also likened to a melon. Its flesh is filled with edible black seeds. The skin is scaly and experts suggest that it is not fit for eating. The dragon fruit has three varieties – Red skin and white flesh Yellow skin and white flesh Red skin and pink flesh The red skin of the dragon fruit is not all red but mostly pinkish-red in color; the scales are in tones of green and sometimes yellow too. The benefits of dragon fruit may be listed as follows Rich in Vitamins and Minerals Dragon fruit is said to be ric

10 Health Benefits of Salmon

Salmon is a species of fish belonging to the family of Salmonidae. Specifically, salmon are anadromous, a fish species that born in fresh water (river), lives in the seas (ocean) and return to the fresh water to reproduce. Salmon can be found along the North Atlantic and Pacific Northwest. Salmon is a popular ingredient in many sushi restaurant because of its unique flavor and healthful benefits. This fish can be consume fresh (sashimi) or in the form of preserved type like salted salmon or smoked salmon. Salmon is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which is essential for our body’s overall health. Now let’s have a look at the some health benefits of salmon. Maintain Brain Health Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which known to support brain function by increasing the memory, relax the brain and prevent age related decline in brain function which induced Alzheimer’s disease. Improve Eye Health Since salmon high in omega 3 fatty acids and amino aci

8 Natural Ways To Stabilize Blood Sugar

Blood sugar or glucose is a major source of energy for every cell in your body. Too much or little glucose in your bloodstream can leads to complications such as heart disease, diabetes, fertility problems and memory problems. Your blood sugar levels associated with the type and amount of foods you eat, and your body’s ability to create insulin – a hormone that regulates energy and glucose metabolism in your body. Blood sugar or glucose levels need to be regulated as part of metabolic homeostasis because it affects how the body distributes glucose. Normal blood sugar or glucose levels for humans should be about 90 mg/100ml blood or equivalent to 5mM (mmol/l). While there are many medications available to stabilize blood sugar, you might want to try some natural methods as they don’t have any side effects like hypoglycemia, gastrointestinal discomfort and weight gain. Here are 8 natural ways that you can take to stabilize blood sugar levels: Exercise regularly

Top 10 Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Early signs of pregnancy can vary from woman to woman. For example, some women may have tender breasts during pregnancy while others have only fatigue, which is very common. Both are the normal early signs of pregnancy, but do vary. Understanding the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is important because each symptom may be associated with other than pregnancy. The following are some common early signs of pregnancy. Missed a Period Missed a period is often the first sign of pregnancy. While this is a key sign of pregnancy, but other factors such as stress, menopause, and overweight can also cause this symptom. Morning sickness Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy and it often occurs in first three months of pregnancy. You may feel nauseous and vomit in the morning, but it can extend for the whole day as well. The exact cause is not known but is thought to be associated with the high levels of the hormone progesterone. Tender breasts Tender breas

Top 10 Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common problem among many people. It can be embarrassing, especially when you’re about to snuggle with your loved one or whisper a joke to your friend. Bad breath can be caused by many factors such as the foods we eat, smoking, and certain medical conditions like dry mouth. However, it is often results from a lack of oral hygiene. Lack of oral hygiene can leads to bad breath because when food particles stay in the mouth, they can rot and gives off a foul smell. Although it is not a serious condition, but it can lead to significant embarrassment and a decrease in self-consciousness. In rare cases, chronic bad breath can be a sign of a more serious problem. There are many products available to combat bad breath, but you might want to try some natural remedies as they don’t contain any chemical substances that simply cover up the problem. Below are some effective home remedies that are not only help you to get rid of bad breath, but they’re also help to keep

Top 10 Ways To Prevent Allergies

Allergy is the most common chronic disease in the U.S. About 50 million Americans suffer from one or more allergies. Having allergies can be very uncomfortable and make it hard to do everyday things. In severe cases, allergies can also result in rashes, hives, asthma, sinus problems and even death. Although, there are no cure for allergies but there are plenty of ways to prevent the allergies symptoms from occurring by avoiding the most common allergens.  Tips for reducing the exposure to common allergens can be given as below: If you’re allergic to pollen, keep windows closed when pollen season’s at its peak or wear a pollen mask when mowing grass. Try 3M N95 respiratory mask, which keeps pollen and dust mites out of your mouth and nose. Use special covers to seal your pillows and mattresses if you’re allergic to dust mites. Vacuum your home regularly and use a vacuum cleaner with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter, like the Eureka Boss SmartVac because

Best Natural Home Remedies for Body Odor

Body odor is a common problem among those who suffer from prolonged illness where a patient restrained in bed for a long time. Likewise, if the patient is under constant treatment and drugs, causing them lack of mobility and the body’s natural cleansing get restricted. They may experience the body odor or unpleasant smell as well. Some foods and beverages such as garlic, onions, spices, and alcohol also can cause unpleasant smell from an individual who consume it. The people who in hormonal changes stage such as puberty and menopause or have constipation also may emit unpleasant odor from their bodies. The affected individual’s surroundings also bring out the odor if the area is not well ventilated. Using deodorant only worsen the conditions because they contain toxic chemicals, which further deteriorates the problem. Fortunately, there are several home remedies that can help you eliminate the unpleasant body odor naturally. Here are some natural home remedies for

How to Treat Gallstones

Treatment for gallstones will depend on whether you are experiencing symptoms or not, your age as well as your overall health. If the gallstones cause no symptoms, treatment is usually not necessary. However, if symptoms are present, especially severe pain, then treatment may be required to relieve or eliminate the symptoms. Depending on the size and type of gallstones, treatment may include surgery, lithotripsy, and oral dissolution therapy. Surgery If your gallstones cause you frequent and severe pain or if you have jaundice, you may be advised to have your gallbladder removed. The most common surgery for gallbladder removal is called laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen, and then inserts surgical instruments and a miniature video camera into the abdomen. The surgeon uses the camera to sends a magnified image of the organs to a monitor, and uses the instruments to remove the gallbladder and gallstones. But don’t worry

26 Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Green tea is a kind of tea that made from leaves of Camellia sinensis, which had undergone minimal oxidation during the manufacturing process. Green tea is believed to be originated from China and has been consumed throughout the ages in India, Japan and Thailand. In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, practitioners used green tea as a diuretic to flush excess liquid from the body, heal wounds, and improve cardiovascular health. Nowadays, green tea is not only popular in Eastern countries but also the West. Habit of drinking green tea has been shown to positively affect the body in many ways and inhibit the progression of some diseases. The base for all of the green tea health benefits is in fact that they are extremely rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a type of catechin that acts as antioxidants to protect the body’s cells from free radical damage. Researchers believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process a

7 Natural Ways to Reduce Depression

Depression is a serious condition that affects the body, mind and thinking ability. This condition has been associated with a lack or imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Everyone may experience a little stressed or sad over time, this condition may interfere with a person daily life, making it difficult to function properly. Depression is a common disease and most people who experience it need treatment to get better. However, you do not have to turn to drugs for treatment. Natural forms of methods also can helps to reduce depression. Eating a healthy diet A healthy diet is not only fuel your body, but it also refresh your mind. Some studies suggest a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 can help reduce mood changes such as depression. So increase your intake of oily fish (salmon, mackerel and tuna), flaxseed, walnuts and low-fat dairy products. Exercise Exercise is an excellent way to activate the body and mind. Take at least

7 Health Benefits of Cranberries

Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) are small, red berries that grow in damp bogs and swampy areas of North America. The cranberry plant is a perennial evergreen vine that is related to the blueberries and bilberries. It is described as a low-growing, woody perennial with small, oval leaves borne on vine-like shoot. During the growing season, the leaves are dark green and glossy, turning reddish brown during the active season. Its flower buds, formed on short, upright shoots, open from May to June and produce ripe fruit in late September to early October. The cranberry fruits can be consumed fresh, dried, juice, and even as sauce. Whether these fruits are enjoyed fresh, dried, or in juice form, cranberries are one the most nutritious fruits that offer many positive health benefits. Cranberries are packed with powerful antioxidants, partly from substances called proanthocyanidins, which responsible for the red color of cranberries. These antioxidants can neutralize free radi

Home Remedies For Colitis

Colitis is a medical condition wherein the inner lining of the colon (a part of the large intestine) becomes inflamed or swollen. Basically, the colon collects and stores the waste products of digestion and when the inner lining of this very colon becomes inflamed due to infection or any other reason, it results in Colitis. There are different types of Colitis depending on the cause. They are Infectious Colitis, Chemical Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Microscopic Colitis and Ischemic Colitis. Out of these, Ulcerative Colitis is a type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Generally, contaminated drinking water and inadequate sanitation lead to Colitis. Therefore, maintaining proper sanitation of the drinking water and kitchen utensils is very important. Along with these measures, following a proper diet throughout the treatment and adopting the natural home remedies for Colitis can help prevent as well as cure this disease. Extremely serious Colitis may require surgery as well.

Home Remedies For Cough

Cough is quite a common ailment whereby the body tries to protect the airways in the throat and chest from irritants, excess mucus, foreign particles etc. Therefore, it is an important reflex action though, accompanied by a somewhat irritating noise. They could be dry or productive. Productive Cough is referred to a Cough accompanied by mucus or phlegm. Coughs and Colds often come in package. Frequent coughing often indicates the presence of an underlying disease. Coughing can be classified as acute, sub acute, or chronic depending on its frequency and duration. Usually, coughing continued up to a period of three weeks or less is considered acute. If the Coughing persists till three to eight weeks, it is considered sub acute and if it continues for more than eight weeks then it is considered chronic. Chronic Cough is a serious condition caused by Bronchial Asthma, Chronic bronchitis, Post nasal drip and other such ailments. More often than not, acute Coughs are caused by resp