Natural Remedies for Indigestion
1. Sleep it off. Try sleeping on your side instead of on your back. This simple trick can help tremendously when it comes to decreasing the sensation of heartburn or acid reflux.
2. Raise your pinky. There are a variety of different teas that can help your digestion. Chamomile and mint are popular choices, but Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends the mint more for upper abdominal issues and the chamomile for lower tummy complaints. Ginger is also good if you don't suffer from acid reflux, as is tea with fennel or anise.
3. Get in the habit. What you eat and how much obviously have a great deal to do with how you feel. If you haven't already, try avoiding foods that are high in fat, are fried or are greasy, plus generally avoid eating too much food at one time. Sometimes an elimination diet is helpful - this is a method of identifying your 'trigger foods', i.e. those that cause you abdominal upset, by using trial and error with eliminating suspect foods and then after some time, re-introducing them to your diet. Start by eliminating all manner of dairy, and anything you drink except for water and the above-mentioned teas. This includes caffeine-containing drinks as well as juices and pops.
4. Get rubbed or poked. Both massage therapy and acupuncture are excellent natural medicines for curing you of indigestion. A gentle session with a registered massage therapist can help loosen your abdominal muscles and get things moving in the right direction again. Acupuncture can help to relieve heartburn, diarrhea, constipation and more, using Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) theories that look at your digestive system as part of your greater whole. Be sure to visit a Registered Massage Therapist or a Registered TCM Practitioner for the best possible treatment.
5. Chew on it. In fact, chew your food rather slowly and also savour your food. This enables digestive enzymes in your mouth to start breaking down some parts of your meal, and helps prevent gas and bloating. It can also help you to recognize when you're actually full, and might help keep you from eating too much (see #3 above).
6. Work it out. Exercise in general is great for getting your digestive system in gear and for reducing stress hormones that can contribute to tummy upset. In particular, try a few yoga poses that might help: these include downward facing dog pose, wide squat (with twist to alternating sides) pose, and wind-relieving pose (aka knees to chest pose). Try these on for size daily for a week, and they can do wonders!
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