Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

Lot of factors like stress, unhealthy food and pollution are responsible for oily skin. Oily skin requires lot of care. It is very necessary to follow proper remedies for coping with oily skin as oily skin is more prone to infection. Read on to find some beauty tips for taking care of oily skin.

Some people have oily skin and some experience it at the age of puberty when there are hormonal changes going on in the body. Causes of oily skin can also be lot of stress, environmental pollution and diet as well. However, oily skin is only due to result of increased production of oil in your skin. There are various skin care products available in the market right from synthetic to herbal products. You can choose the product that suits you well and gives you positive results.

Beauty Tips and How to Care for Oily Skin
  • Do not wash your face too many times. Although acne is termed to be result of dust particles on oily skin, it is not a hygienic issue. So, washing for more and more times will not help.
  • Use warm water whenever you wash your face or bathe.
  • Use a cleanser specifically for oily skin. And try to buy a gentle face wash that contains glycerin or salicylic acid to keep your pores clean.
  • Consult your dermatologist and take some medicine for over production of oil.
  • Dry your skin before you apply anything on your face. This will save you from clogging your pores.
  • Choose skin care products and cosmetics that are oil free. Also, make sure they are not irritating and are free from artificial fragrance.
  • Choose and use the moisturiser wisely. If your skin needs it, buy the one that is oil free and do not apply often.
  • Wear a sunscreen whenever you go out or even if you stay indoors, apply at least once in the morning after your bath. Choose the one that has SPF 15 or more and is oil free too.
  • Before applying make up, make use of the blotting papers and soak all extra oil from your face. This will help you apply the make up evenly and will help it stay longer too.

Home Remedies for Oily Skin
  • Crab an apple and apply it on your face. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water. This will give a typical glow to your oily skin.
  • Take gram flour, cream, few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric powder. Make it a paste and apply it on your face. Leave it to dry partially and then scrub gently. Wash your face with warm water.
  • Honey is an excellent natural moisturiser. Although oily skin needs less moisturising, you can take the help of honey for that.
  • Juice of cucumber also helps in reducing oil production and brings a glow to the skin too.
  • You need to exfoliate your skin at intervals and here rice powder, corn flour and few drops of lemon juice helps do that very nicely.
Home remedies are very useful in giving good results. The best thing is that they do not have any side effects and you can give anything a try for sometime. Just keep in mind that natural remedies need some time to show effects. Spend 15 – 20 minutes for yourself everyday and the results will be visible within a week or 10 days. Spend some time on yoga or exercise and take care of your diet as well. All these things will help you have a good, flawless and glowing skin.


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