
Showing posts from September, 2014

Home Remedies For Dark Underarms

Dark Underarms is quite a common problem. In this condition, the skin under the arms becomes darker than the rest of the skin. The problem tends to bother more women than men as it becomes more of a beauty concern. Dark Underarms are more easily noticeable in fair skin as compared to dark skin. Use of chemical deodorants and anti perspirants, shaving the underarms and excessive sweating are some of the most common reasons that lead to darkening of the underarms. Maintaining proper hygiene and the application of a number of natural home remedies for Dark Underarms have been found to reduce this embarrassing problem to a great extent. Most of these herbal remedies work slowly but steadily and work best if they are followed on a regular basis. Also, some individuals tend to have a sensitive skin. In such cases, the affected individual should conduct a patch test before going ahead with some of these remedies. Causes and Symptoms of Dark Underarms Apart from chemicals

Home Remedies For Bloating

Bloating is an uncomfortable feeling of fullness and tightness in the stomach that can be prevented and cured with the help of several Bloating home remedies. Most of the cases of Bloating are caused by gastrointestinal problems and intestinal gas. Various lifestyle and dietary factors like a high fat diet, high salt diet or overeating can also contribute in causing this common ailment. Factors like stress and hormonal changes may also trigger this bothersome problem. Generally, Bloating is not considered as a serious problem unless caused by serious diseases like colon cancer. Causes and Symptoms of Bloating Irritable Bowel Syndrome, GERD, Crohn’s disease, Diverticulosis and other similar gastrointestinal diseases are considered as the most common causes of persistent Bloating. Partial Bowel Obstruction, Food Allergy, Indigestion, Heartburn, Constipation, Lactose Intolerance, Fructose Intolerance and other food intolerances have also been associated with the probl

Home Remedies For Age Spots

Age Spots are a number of black, brown or grey colored spots on the skin that usually fade away with the application of several Age Spots’ home remedies. These blemishes tend to develop as a result of sun damage due to exposure to sun rays over a period of time. These blemishes are also known as Sun Spots, Liver Spots or Lentigines. The benign Age Spots are often harmless but ugly to look at. Though, they do tend to cause confusion in the detection of skin cancer. These spots usually occur on the face, forehead, neck, shoulders, back of the hands and other exposed areas. Individuals aged 40 years or more are more susceptible to this problem. Various treatments like bleaching, laser treatment, cryotherapy, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and a number of home remedies for Age Spots have been found beneficial in removing Age Spots. Out of these, the natural treatments for Age Spots involving the use of natural ingredients are considered the safest means of preventing a

Home Remedies For Back Pain

Back Pain is a common yet non specific ailment. It is considered as an acute condition when the pain lasts for a period of one month or less. If the duration of pain is more than one month, it is referred to as Chronic Back Pain. In most of the cases, the acute pain tends to disappear on its own even without any treatment. The exact cause leading to Back Pain is quite difficult to find out. The pain can be dull or sharp, constant or intermittent. Constant Back Pain is generally dull but progressive whereas sudden Back Pain is generally severe. The pain could be present around the neck, upper back, lower back, or the tail bone. The sudden pain is usually caused by injuries which in turn can be caused by accidents, lifting heavy objects and other related factors. Back Pain is a common complaint in older individuals. This painful condition can be cured effectively with the help of several natural home remedies for Back Pain. Remedies like application of ice packs and hot com

Home Remedies For Black Eye

Black Eye is a skin condition in which the skin around the eyes tends to become swollen and dark due to bleeding under the skin. The condition is mostly caused by minor injuries to the face, head or a direct trauma to the eye. It is similar to a bruise around the eye. The skin around the eyes is loose and hence more susceptible to swelling due to fluid accumulation. This in turn gives rise to swelling and dark discoloration. In severe cases, Black Eye may indicate the presence of a serious head injury like skull fracture or damage to the eyeball. In most of the cases, the condition tends to heal on its own within a few days to a couple of weeks. Still, a number of natural home remedies for Black Eye can be used to provide relief from the discomfort caused the ailment and speed up the process of healing. One of the most popular yet dangerous Black Eye home remedies is to put semi frozen steak on the eye. Although, this home remedy should be avoided as far as possible as it

Home Remedies For Bruises

You must have noticed the formation of a discolored pinkish or reddish patch on your skin as soon as you bump into something. Moreover, this reddish patch soon turns bluish or dark purple in color. This is a bruise, or in medical terms it is called a Contusion. In this condition, blood from the damaged blood cells beneath the skin collects near the surface of the skin but the skin tissue is not broken outside.  While healing, bruises often change color i.e. from reddish to blue or dark purple to yellow or green and back to the normal skin color when the wound finally heals. This color change takes place due to chemical decomposition in the affected area of the skin. Small bruises are generally not dangerous, though they may be painful in the beginning. Natural home remedies for bruises can be used to treat such simple bruise injuries. Certain people are more susceptible to bruises than others. Elder skin and other tissues are more prone to bruises because they are thinner and less el

Home Remedies For Cystic Acne

Cystic Acne is a severe and painful form of Acne Vulgaris characterized by the formation of large, red and tender lumps with a diameter of approximately 5 mm or more. They are often swollen and filled with pus. Like Acne, Cystic Acne is also caused because of clogged and infected oil ducts. This form of Acne is quite difficult to cure. Still, a number of skin care home remedies for Cystic Acne natural treatment have been found to be highly beneficial in dealing with this problem effectively. Giving in to the temptation of squeezing Cystic Acne is generally not advisable as it tends to worsen the condition and increases the risk of developing Acne Scars and Blemishes. Causes and Symptoms of Cystic Acne Hormonal fluctuations, production of excess oil on the skin due to overactive oil glands, genetic predisposition, use of certain drugs containing steroids, estrogen, testosterone and other similar factors are the most common causes of Cystic Acne. Conditions like

Home Remedies For Edema

Edema is often known as Dropsy or Hydropsy. Basically, the condition is characterized by the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body, generally the legs, arms, ankles or feet. Due to this fluid accumulation, the affected parts of the body swell up. When this accumulation takes place in the lower legs or hand, it is referred to as Peripheral Edema. In the same way, when the chest is the site of excess fluid accumulation, it is called Pulmonary Edema and in the case of abdomen, it is called Ascites. Pulmonary Edema is also a symptom of heart failure. Along with the conventional medicines, the natural home remedies for Edema are equally beneficial in the treatment of this disease. In fact, in certain cases (like pregnancy) the home remedies are much safer to adopt. Causes of Edema Malnutrition (especially the deficiency of vitamin B5 and vitamin B6), excessive consumption of salts, heat, burns and physical inactivity are the primary causes of Edema. Pregna

Home Remedies For Boils

Boils are the result of skin infections originating in the hair follicles. A group of Boils leads to a more serious condition known as a Carbuncle. A weak immune system fails to fight the infection and fails to prevent the formation of Boils. Thus, people with a weak immune system are more prone to develop Boils. Shoulders, buttocks, neck, thighs, armpits, and face the hot spots for Boil formation. A Boil on the eyelid is known as a Sty. One should not try to squeeze Boils as squeezing tends to spread the infection in the area nearby. Regrettably, many people blindly pop antibiotic pills for simple infections of this nature for instant relief. So, instead for opting for these harmful measures, it would be wise to opt for natural home remedies for Boils to get rid of the infection safely. Causes and Symptoms of Boils More often than not, Boils are caused by Staphylococcal bacteria. As mentioned in the beginning itself, Boils are the result of skin infections. These skin

Home Remedies For Backache

Backache is quite a common and troublesome problem nowadays. The modern sedentary lifestyle is one of the most important yet ignored factors encouraging this ailment. The pain generally occurs along the spine, in the center of the back, or on either or both the sides of the spine. More often than not, a typical Backache affects the lower back of an individual causing mild or severe pain. Usually, a poor posture or prolonged sitting, stooping or standing in one position causes this problem. Though, there are serious factors too. It is a degenerative disorder that causes further problems like difficulty in bending. The risk of developing this ailment increases when the muscles in the back and stomach become weak. This muscular pain can be acute or chronic. Acute Backache is a sudden and severe pain in the back whereas Chronic Backache is characterized by a steady pain in the back lasting for a period of three months or more. The treatment usually involves the use of conventiona

Home Remedies For Dark Circles

Dark circles are the second most common dermatological complaints. Contrary to the common belief, dark circles are not caused by stress, or all night work, or late night partying. Factors like lack of sleep or fatigue make the skin pale in color thereby emphasizing the already existing dark circles. Same is the case with hormones which also make the skin pale and highlight the pre-existing dark circles. They are more apparently visible in people with fair skin or deep-set eyes. The skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate. The combination of capillaries near the skin’s surface and translucence of the skin make the dark circles more noticeable. A number of natural home remedies for dark circles are beneficial in most of the cases. Causes and Symptoms of Dark Circles Hereditary genes can be attributed as the main cause of dark circles. Some of these genes cause weakening of capillaries on the skin around the eyes. These very genes can be held responsible for dark circle