Home Remedies For Dark Underarms

Dark Underarms is quite a common problem. In this condition, the skin under the arms becomes darker than the rest of the skin. The problem tends to bother more women than men as it becomes more of a beauty concern. Dark Underarms are more easily noticeable in fair skin as compared to dark skin. Use of chemical deodorants and anti perspirants, shaving the underarms and excessive sweating are some of the most common reasons that lead to darkening of the underarms. Maintaining proper hygiene and the application of a number of natural home remedies for Dark Underarms have been found to reduce this embarrassing problem to a great extent. Most of these herbal remedies work slowly but steadily and work best if they are followed on a regular basis. Also, some individuals tend to have a sensitive skin. In such cases, the affected individual should conduct a patch test before going ahead with some of these remedies. Causes and Symptoms of Dark Underarms Apart from chemicals ...