Home Remedies For Back Pain

Back Pain is a common yet non specific ailment. It is considered as an acute condition when the pain lasts for a period of one month or less. If the duration of pain is more than one month, it is referred to as Chronic Back Pain. In most of the cases, the acute pain tends to disappear on its own even without any treatment.

The exact cause leading to Back Pain is quite difficult to find out. The pain can be dull or sharp, constant or intermittent. Constant Back Pain is generally dull but progressive whereas sudden Back Pain is generally severe. The pain could be present around the neck, upper back, lower back, or the tail bone.

The sudden pain is usually caused by injuries which in turn can be caused by accidents, lifting heavy objects and other related factors. Back Pain is a common complaint in older individuals. This painful condition can be cured effectively with the help of several natural home remedies for Back Pain.

Remedies like application of ice packs and hot compresses are some of the most widely used and equally effective home treatments for Back Pain. The natural remedies work best when a holistic approach is adopted in dealing with the problem. Therefore, successful Back Pain treatment should be accompanied by a healthy diet and lifestyle too.

Causes and Symptoms of Back Pain

Increasing age and poor physical fitness, in general are most common causes of Back Pain. Besides, certain diseases such as Arthritis, Kidney Stones, Appendicitis, Fibromyalgia, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal stenosis, Endometriosis, Scoliosis, Tumors, Bladder Infections and other related nerve root syndromes and intra abdominal diseases have also been associated with this ailment.

Pregnancy can also cause Back Pain due to straining of the lower back. Injuries caused by accidents, falls, sprains or other similar conditions may result in disk breakdown, tense muscles or slipped disks resulting in Backache.

Apart from these reasons, this ailment may also be caused by faulty lifestyle lacking adequate amount of physical exercise thereby resulting in obesity. Smoking causes coughing which in its turn causes Back Pain. Besides, maintaining a poor posture for longer duration of time may also trigger the pain.

The most common symptom of Back Pain is the presence of mild or severe pain in the back. The pain may be confined to a specific location or it may radiate to other parts as well. It can become worse during night time. Chronic Back Pain is usually characterized by a deep burning pain that may radiate down the front back or side of the legs.

When the pain is accompanied by other serious symptoms like fever, numbness, weakness or weight loss, then it should not be ignored as it indicates the presence of an underlying medical condition requiring immediate attention.

Natural Home Remedies for Back Pain
  • Application of ice pack and hot packs are the most popular home remedies for Back Pain. Ice packs help to reduce inflammation. Warm Epsom salt baths are also beneficial in relieving Back Pain.
  • Add natural ingredients like five cloves, five black pepper corns, and one gram dry ginger powder in the tea and drink this tea two times per day. Follow this natural remedy on a regular basis to reduce Back Pain naturally.
  • Soak 60 grams of wheat in water overnight. Then, prepare a paste by crushing this wheat, 30 grams cuscus grass and an equal amount of coriander. Next, take 250 ml of milk, add this paste in it and boil it until it reduces to two third of the original quantity. This home remedy is regarded as one of the most valuable natural home remedies for Back Pain. Follow this remdy on a regular basis to heal the ailment effectively. A mixture of cuscus grass and sugar when taken along with milk is also beneficial in eliminating Back Pain.
  • Massaging the back with garlic oil on a regular basis is highly beneficial in the treatment of Back Pain. Warm coconut oil and mint oil are also beneficial in this regard. These oils can also be mixed with camphor powder or dried ginger and garlic.
  • Massaging the back with turpentine oil, mustard oil or eucalyptus oil is one of the most successful natural home remedies for Back Pain.
  • Poultice prepared from raw potato is useful in getting rid of Back Pain to a great extent.
  • Having a combination of lemon juice (extracted from ne lemon) and salt helps in alleviating Back Pain safely and naturally.
  • Prepare a basil decoction by boiling ten basil leaves in a cup of water till the water reduces to half. Add some salt and drink this therapeutic solution on a regular basis to cure Back Pain.
  • Therapies like yoga, acupressure and acupuncture are efficient home remedies for Back Pain treatment.
Diet for Back Pain

Citrus fruits and vegetables are highly beneficial in reducing Back Pain naturally. Therefore, individuals suffering from this problem should positively include strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots etc in the diet. Regular consumption of cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, and other such legumes helps to prevent as well as cure Back Pains and aches.

The diet should also be rich in essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus etc. Protein rich foods like pulses and dairy products help great deal in dealing with such pains by strengthening back muscles. Apart from these measures, try to exclude non nutritious items like fatty fast foods from the diet. Plus, restrict the consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

Cigarette smoking is also a big no-no in this regard. Besides, reduce excess body weight in order to relieve the back from the pressure of bearing extra weight. It has been observed that replacing a soft mattress with a firm one is helpful in preventing back problems.

Source : http://www.speedyremedies.com


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